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5 Essentials for Healthy Indoor Plants

5 Essentials for Healthy Indoor Plants

Houseplants are home and office essentials. Apart from adding beauty and freshness to the design, plants are known to keep you healthier and happier. Greenery does not just brighten up indoor spaces, but it also helps you recover from illness faster. Plants add so much to our space, but they also require care and maintenance. Are you sure you take good care of your plants? Here are a few tips that will allow your indoor plants to thrive.

Buying the Right Plants

The first step towards a green interior design is to opt for the plants that are right for you and your space. If you’re a beginner, then the best place to start is the local shop, farm, or a reputed garden center. They will help you pick the ideal plant for you and your home or office. Succulents, Philodendrons, Dracaenas, Snake Plants, Bromeliads and Pothos are some of the best plants with very low maintenance that will thrive despite some neglect.


One of the major causes of killing houseplants is over-watering. Knowing how much and how often to water your plants is absolutely key as it will help you keep your plants healthy and flourishing. Indoor plants need less water in winters. The main rule of thumb when it comes to watering plants is to water them when the soil is dry. The soil should be dry about 2” down. Also, it should be kept moist and not saturated. Before watering, use your finger and press it down the surface. If it feels dry at about 1-2 inches, then water it.

Knowing when to water is not enough to keep your indoor plants healthy and alive. How to water your plants is important as well. Always use warm water for your houseplants since it absorbs faster in the soil and is more efficient. Also, don’t transfer all the water at once. Water a little, wait for it to sink in, add more and repeat.

Plant Position

Plant placement in your home is extremely important. If you ignore this, you may have a dead plant soon. Place your plants in a place with good ventilation and natural light. Ensure that they are not subjected to direct sunlight which will increase stress on them and prevent excessive water loss. You don’t have to keep them at the same spot all year long. You can move your houseplants around so they can receive maximum light and warmth throughout the year. Also, keep them away from drafts, heaters and cold windows.


You should keep your houseplants clean at all times. Leaf surfaces consist of tiny little vents that open and close throughout the day and can sometimes get clogged due to dust. This dust can cut down on the light that is necessary for photosynthesis. Keeping them clean will not just ensure that your houseplants are making their food effectively but will keep them shiny and healthy. Gently wipe them with a clean, damp cloth once every two weeks or put them in the shower for a nice clean.


A little fertilizer will go a long way in boosting growth of your houseplant, especially potted plants. Find the best potting mix which contains a slow-release fertilizer and water crystals and ‘feed’ your plants. You can also opt for liquid fertilizer which can be added to your watering can once every two weeks or month.